Who are we?

Our mandate : to fight against malnutrition

As a pioneer in the fight against malnutrition, Nutriset Group’s ambition is to enable the most vulnerable populations to live well and better through nutrition. Our core business is the research, production, and distribution of innovative nutritional solutions, designed to strengthen the impact of nutrition programs of the United Nations, NGOs, national governments, and health professionals.
At Nutriset Group, we don’t just dream of a world without hunger, without malnutrition; we actively participate in creating it.

A global stakeholder in the malnutrition field

As a family-owned business rooted in the Normandy region, Nutriset Group is an agri-food company specialized for over 35 years in nutrition, primarily operating internationally through the PlumpyField® network.
Today, Nutriset Group brings together 16 independent entities located in France, Africa, Southeast Asia, Haiti, and the United States, all united by a common mandate: to fight against malnutrition.

Nutriset Group key figures

employees throughout
the PlumpyField® network
in the world
beneficiaries since the
network creation in 2005
beneficiaries taken
care in 2023
destination countries

An action based on 3 pillars


nutritional solutions


as close as possible to the needs


the value chain

A committed group

Organised into three entities with specific challenges

Onyx Développement

The active holding

Define and manage
the group's strategy

Nutriset Développement

The franchise pillar and
catalyst for innovation

Support the PlumpyField® network
and build tomorrow's answers


The network of independent
local producers

Contribute to nutritional
autonomy for all

Social commitment

Embody responsible and sustainable nutrition

Learn more