
Societal commitment, at the heart of our mandate.


Nutriset Group, with its mandate to Fight Against Malnutrition, its commitment to vulnerable populations, and its family-owned business model, has naturally embodied a responsible, sustainable, and positive approach since its inception in 1986, in conducting its activities in France and all the countries where it operates.

Within the Group, we believe that a company’s purpose is not solely to generate profits: a company must be useful to society and meet a material need (what it does), be responsible towards its ecosystem (how it does it), and contribute to the common good.

Thus, our societal commitment is part of a systemic approach where impacts, actors, and mechanisms specific to our ecosystem are taken into account and integrated.


And this is what drives us every day.

Being useful to society by implementing our mandate

  • By designing nutritional solutions that meet the needs of vulnerable people
  • By developing public/private partnerships for better health through nutrition

Being responsible in the positive management of our ecosystem

  • By incorporating environmental issues as a lever for reducing malnutrition
  • By ensuring employment, integrity, and the well-being of our employees
  • By implementing a policy of responsible purchasing and advocating for an ethical business model
  • By supporting sustainable agro-industry in programmatic countries

Recognizing climate change as a major factor in food insecurity and the increasing poverty of the most vulnerable populations, the board of directors of the Group ratified at the end of 2022 the integration of the fight against climate change into our mandate to combat malnutrition. Committed for about fifteen years to reducing our environmental footprint, we are currently developing a decarbonization trajectory aligned with the Paris Agreement.

Contributing to the common good

  • By initiating and supporting knowledge acquisition procedures that go beyond our core business, useful for the greater good, for a better understanding of populations affected by nutrition/malnutrition issues.
  • By conducting philanthropic and partnership initiatives in our region, focused on promoting health through nutrition for vulnerable populations

Communication on Progress (CoP)

To formalize our commitment, we joined the United Nations Global Compact in 2020. As the largest international CSR initiative, the Global Compact provides a universal and voluntary framework for engagement, structured around 10 fundamental principles focusing on 4 themes

Human rights

International labour standards


Fighting corruption

In direct connection with the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Compact invites its signatories to communicate annually and transparently about their progress on these themes

Nutriset Group, a contributing actor to the SDG

As early as 2017, the Global Nutrition Report established the key role that nutrition plays in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All of the SDGs can be classified according to five strategic domains to which nutrition directly contributes and from which it can benefit:


  • Sustainable Food Production: More sustainable diets would have a considerable impact on climate change, biodiversity, and water. Food production consumes 70% of the world’s fresh water reserves, agriculture emits 20% of all greenhouse gases, and livestock occupies 70% of agricultural land.


  • Strength of Infrastructure Systems: Improving nutrition contributes to the ‘grey matter infrastructure’: healthy people equipped with the knowledge, skills, and energy necessary to drive economic development and build the future. Good nutrition strengthens work capacity and intellectual abilities, yielding a return on investment of $16 for every dollar invested.


  • Health Systems: Undernutrition is responsible for 45% of all deaths in children under five years old. Improving nutrition reduces mortality and morbidity rates, thereby easing the burden on health systems.


  • Equity and Inclusion: Well-nourished children have a 33% greater chance of escaping poverty as adults. Moreover, each additional centimeter in adult height is associated with nearly a 5% increase in wage levels. Improving nutrition leads to better outcomes in education, employment, and women’s empowerment, and helps reduce poverty and inequality.


  • Peace and Stability: Investing in food security and the equitable distribution of important natural food resources is essential for promoting nutritional resilience and reducing fragility.

We directly contribute to:

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Our goals:

  • Develop and scale up a range of products for the prevention of chronic malnutrition
  • Contribute to the establishment of public health policies in favor of prevention
  • Promote motor and cognitive development through the development of specific products and through an adapted service offer
  • Continuously finance more research, multiply partnerships, generate and share new knowledge through the establishment of a dedicated endowment fund for nutrition research

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Our goals:

  • Increase access to our existing products by optimizing their formulation and reducing their cost
  • Enhance global knowledge about beneficiaries and consumers
  • Develop new distribution systems

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Our goals:

  • Identify vulnerable populations for whom existing nutritional solutions are inadequate and propose new ones, especially for the elderly, people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, or those undergoing treatment (HIV, Cancer, etc.)
  • Maintain investments in studies and research that contribute to advancing knowledge on the nutrition of vulnerable populations

Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning

Our goals:

  • Make products available for school canteens
  • Continuously train all the Group’s employees and promote access to degree-qualifying training
  • Raise awareness among all Group employees about good health through nutrition by implementing training dedicated to good dietary and nutritional practices

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Our goals:

  • Supporting gender equality within the Nutriset Group companies
  • Developing products that improve the nutritional status of young and adolescent girls and women

Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

Our goals:

  • Develop products and services that support WASH’Nutrition programs in:
    • Ensuring a stronger nutritional impact
    • Reducing the incidence of water-related diseases
    • Positively impacting cost-effectiveness of programs

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth, full and productive employment, decent work for all

Our goals:

  • Develop employment and economic growth in our countries of operation
  • Enhance skills, access to training, and advantageous social coverage for all Group employees
  • Promote local agricultural sectors and the development of small-scale farming
  • Support the establishment of agri-food industries in developing countries

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive industrialization and foster innovation

Our goals:

  • Transfer of research capacities to developing countries
  • Implement an industrial property policy aimed at Southern economies

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Our goals:

  • Meet the needs of new urban residents
  • Establish short supply chains
  • Enhance the value of local raw materials

Strengthen the means of implementing and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development

Our goals:

  • Join initiatives with significant impact, both international and local, such as the UN Global Compact, N4G, GAIN, CEC, etc.

The SDG enable us to participate in building
a more just and resilient world.

Thus, by implementing our mandate to Fight Against Malnutrition, we modestly but directly contribute to achieving all these goals.

Thanks to the established links with good nutrition for all, the impact of our actions becomes tangible; the SDG are also an important advocacy tool to carry the voice of nutrition to authorities and our stakeholders


An innovative model

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