Webinar: SQ-LNS and their impact

13 February 2024
If you missed the webinar from Innovations for Poverty Action about Small-Quantity Lipid-based Nutrient Supplements (SQ-LNS) and their impact on reducing stunting, you can now watch it on replay and access the slides

Watch the replay 


Key takeaways:

  • Understanding the challenges of meeting nutrient requirements in 6–23-month-old children
  • Going through the results and observations study led in Zambia, as well as the implementation of SQ-LNS in nutrition program in Nigeria
  • Reinforcing advocacy campaigns to demonstrate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of SQ-LNS and how to support the delivery at scale while addressing shortages



More than 150 million children under age 5 are stunted. Growing evidence shows that SQ-LNS can substantially reduce severe stunting (-17%), severe wasting (-31%), iron deficiency (-64%), development delay (-16-19%) and mortality (-27%). That’s a significant impact!





You want to go further on this topic?
Visit the SQ-LNS Task Force

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