
Webinar: SQ-LNS and their impact

Find out the webinar from Innovations for Poverty Action about Small-Quantity Lipid-based Nutrient Supplements (SQ-LNS) and their impact on reducing stunting.

13 February 2024
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Study on child development in Lao PDR

An anthropological study in Lao PDR to provide new indicators describing the children's development.

19 December 2023
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Plumpy’Doz™ & SMC

Adding a nutritional supplement such as Plumpy'Doz™ to SMC significantly increases the impact of this intervention in preventing malaria and other childhood infections in children.

24 October 2023
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Preventing Malaria in Nigeria

We discussed the critical importance of integrating nutrition into interventions aimed at preventing malaria infections in children and pregnant women across Nigeria.

27 February 2024
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