NQT: Commitment Trophy

11 November 2023

Nutriset Group receives the commitment trophy awarded by the NQT association

What an honour and pride it was to receive this award on Monday evening at the magnificent Conseil économique social et environnemental in Paris, for the event organised by the NQT association “Nos Mentors ont des Talents” and hosted by Nelson Monfort.


Inspiring and touching testimonials, all converging on the great values of solidarity, listening and sharing: a humanly rich evening!

This recognition rewards the commitment and dedication of our mentors in giving their godchildren a helping hand. This trophy is dedicated to them: Claire Fehrenbach, Evelyne Bouvard, Fanny Morel-Despeisse, Florence Courtay, Julia Le Marrec-Wuillai, Mélanie Cloux, Monique Chan Huot, Pascale de Saint Priest, Salima Boitout, Sophie-Anne Sauvegrain, Guichard Mayingila, John Downes and Brahim Nour.

NQT’s action is crucial to paving the way for equality in employment. It reminds us just how much gender diversity is an incredible driver of performance for us as companies!

Congratulations to all the winners, mentors and partner companies!



A big well done to the NQT teams for the generous community you’ve created, and a special mention to our NQT mission managers for their caring professionalism!

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