National undernutrition week

16 November 2023

National undernutrition week: a strong commitment!

For this 2023 edition, Nutriset Group is reaffirming its commitment to the fight against undernutrition and is contributing to a number of high-impact initiatives to raise awareness of this silent disease.

Undernutrition is a reality. It is a public health issue.

In France, more than 2 million people, and particularly our elderly, are affected by undernutrition, and half of all elderly people admitted to hospital are undernourished.
In South Africa and other low- and middle-income countries, malnutrition linked to illness affects one in four patients admitted to hospital. And more than one in three residents of retirement homes. Two-thirds of patients are at risk of malnutrition on admission.


A look back at the week’s highlights:

  • “En cuisine avec nos ainés”, an in-house competition: employees put forward a recipe voted for by our elders, to be enriched with the culinary aid Appéti’mix™
  • In-house discussion and provision of the PARAD diagnostic tool to prevent the risk of undernutrition
  • Tasting of sweet dishes enriched with Appéti’mix™, prepared by our Chef Alexandre Bourdas
  • Organisation with Mauriac Hospital of a webinar on “patient-centred management of undernutrition”. Access the webinar
  • Publication in the special issue of Géroscopie, dedicated to undernutrition
  • Signing of the commitment charter of the Collectif de Lutte Contre la Dénutrition (Collective to Combat Undernutrition)
  • Organisation of a webinar on “Integrating nutritional care into patient management in low- and middle-income countries”. Access the webinar

From awareness to action, our teams worked hand in hand to inform, inspire and act. A huge thank you to everyone who took part, supported and shared this week with us.


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