
Founded in 2019 and a member of the network since that year.

Located in Kano, in the north of Nigeria, NutriK was established by the Nutriset Group in 2019, in partnership with a local company, Dansa Foods, which specializes in the production of high-quality nutritious foods and beverages, and currently has 68 employees.

With a population of nearly 215 million people, Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy. However, each year, more than 500,000 children under five die from malnutrition. The Kano production site, validated by inter-agency groups (UNICEF, WFP, ICRC, MSF, ACF), now makes products from the Plumpy® range available in a particularly affected and hard-to-reach region. This region, along with the neighboring Sahelian populations of Niger and Chad, also faces significant nutritional challenges.

A key player in social and economic development in the region, particularly in the valorization of local raw materials, NutriK supports nearly 8,000 smallholders and farmers, thereby actively contributing to the sustainable transformation of its community.


In Nigeria, in 2022

12.1 M
children under 5
affected by stunting
2.2 M
children under 5
affected by wasting

Source: Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates, 2023 edition


Today, our industrial unit, compliant with international nutritional standards and quality requirements and largely supported by the Nutriset Group, enables the nutritional assistance of over 750,000 children annually. NutriK positions itself as the partner of choice with its ability to meet the high demand and mobilization of humanitarian actors and United Nations agencies. Every product we manufacture is a step towards a world where fewer suffer from malnutrition!

Abdoulkader Yonli
Managing Director

Locally Available Products

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